19. 10. 16.

Mussels Cooked To

Mussels Cooked To Death In Their Shells In Unusual Heat On Northern California Shore

Mussels are the “canaries in the coal mine for climate change — only this canary provides food and habitat for hundreds of other species,” says a biologist.

In a chilling sign of climate change, thousands of mussels literally cooked to death in their shells as they lay in the sun on a hot day on a northern California shore.

The mid-June die-off is believed to be the worst in 15 years in the village of Bodega Bay, 60 miles north of San Francisco, where Alfred Hitchcock’s environmental horror movie “The Birds” was filmed.

“Every part of the mussel bed I touched, there were mussels that had died,” Bodega Marine Reserve research coordinator Jackie Sones told Bay Nature magazine.

Researchers along other sections of the northern coast reported other die-offs triggered by the unseasonable heat June 11. 

The temperature at Bodega that day hit an unusually warm 75 degrees, and the mollusks were stranded in low tide in the daytime heat. There was no sea breeze to help with cooling 야마토게임.

Northeastern University marine ecologist Brian Helmuth told Bay Nature that on a day so warm, a mussel’s tissues glued to a rock out of water might rise to 105 degrees. “They were just literally cooking out there,” he said.

Typically, the hottest days along the northern California coast occur later in the summer, when the lowest tides happen early in the morning or at night when it’s cooler.

The mussel deaths will ripple through the ecosystem. It’s a foundation species that provides food and habitat for many other species.

Scientists fear such a gruesome discovery will become commonplace.

“We no longer think of climate change in the future,” Helmuth told Bay Nature. “It’s how do you prepare for it now.”

University of British Columbia biologist Christopher Harley told The Guardian that mussels are the “canaries in the coal mine for climate change — only this canary provides food and habitat for hundreds of other species.”

Scientists Fear Extinction After Six Rare Right Whales Die In A Month

Scientists Fear Extinction After Six Rare Right Whales Die In A Month

Researchers call for emergency protections as 400 remaining animals fight for their lives.

Concerned scientists are sounding the alarm over the loss of six rare North Atlantic right whales off the Canadian coast in a single month. There are only some 400 of the animals left on Earth, and fewer than 100 of them are females of reproductive age 오션파라다이스.

The six, including at least four females, were found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence north of New England, reported officials with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Researchers believe at least three of them were killed in collisions with ships. One of them was the mother of eight, grandmother of two and 40 years old when she was found dead from a ship strike.

The whales also die — often excruciating deaths — when they become entangled in fishing gear.

“Honestly, I don’t have the words,” Regina Asmutis-Silvia, executive director of Whale and Dolphin Conservation North America, told The Atlantic in an article published last week. “It’s devastating. There’s now more people working on right whales than there are right whales left.” 

The deaths are such a significant toll on the population that researchers fear it will soon be too late to prevent extinction.

Deep-Sea Octopus Enthralls Scientists With Otherworldy

Deep-Sea Octopus Enthralls Scientists With Otherworldy ‘바다이야기게임

The Cirroteuthid octopus with billowing arms was caught on camera by researchers from the vessel E/V Nautilus.

Deep-sea scientists can hardly contain their awe and delight at the spectacle of a beautiful octopus seen in a new video from research vessel E/V Nautilus.

In the video, posted on YouTube earlier this week, researchers can be heard marveling over the cephalopod’s arms as they slowly balloon out in a parachute-like way.

“He’s really putting on a show for us,” one researcher says.

The team believes the octopus is part of the scientific family Cirroteuthidae, though they’re unsure of the exact species. Invertebrate zoologist Mike Vecchione said in a statement that the octopus appears “closest” to the species Cirrothauma magna, though it could be also be one of several “undescribed species” that exist.

The scientists say in the clip that the octopus’ behavior seems to be a tactic to scare off potential threats ― like the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) doing the filming, which the octopus may have perceived as a possible predator.

“He wants us to know he’s too big to slurp,” another researcher’s voice can be heard saying.

After noting the octopus seemed “unnerved” by the ROV’s presence, they back it up a bit and continue filming from farther away.

Cirroteuthidae are known to inhabit remote depths near the ocean floor ― this one in particular was spotted at a depth of about 5,250 feet. The video was shot during exploration near Baker Island, an atoll in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. The area is one of the world’s largest marine conservation areas and home to a multitude of wild birds and sea life, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Chasing The Methane Dragon That Lurks In The Deep Sea

We went into the depths of the ocean with a scientist seeking to understand how frozen gas deposits might respond in a rapidly warming world.

THE BOTTOM OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN — Forty miles off the coast of North Carolina, the 274-foot research vessel Atlantis paced a dark, empty swath of ocean in evenly spaced lines as the crew pinged sound waves into the deep. A quarter-mile below, plumes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, rose from the seafloor.

The underwater site, named Pea Island after an area of the Outer Banks, is one of the hundreds of active methane seeps discovered off the Atlantic coast since 2012. No human had ever explored this particular underwater world. Samantha Joye, an oceanographer and microbiologist, was about to change that. 

릴게임 She strolled into the ship’s computer lab at 6 a.m., a thermos of tea in hand. She looked anxious as she checked in on what the sonar had turned up.

Jason Chaytor, a marine geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, had spent half the night mapping the ocean floor. He pointed to the columns of bubbles visible in the rainbow-colored images. The largest of the plumes extended some 250 meters from the bottom, about halfway to the surface. 

“You’re going to visit this first,” Chaytor told her.

Joye leaned over his shoulder and squinted through purple-framed glasses. A mad scientist grin washed over her face. 

The site is what’s known as a cold seep, an area where methane and other hydrocarbons naturally eject from the seafloor. Cold seeps are home to diverse communities of organisms, including Joye’s favorite: beggiatoa, a large, thread-like bacteria.

Along with their ability to capture energy from poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas, beggiatoa form colonies, or “mats,” that are hot spots for hitchhiking microorganisms that feast on methane. Working together, these communities of microbes act as biological filters, blanketing active seeps and limiting the amount of gas that enters the water column and, more importantly, the atmosphere. 

Methane, or CH4, is part of Earth’s natural carbon cycle, emitted from wetlands, soil, volcanoes, wildfires, rice paddies and even by termites. In the ocean, methane is produced when microorganisms or geologic processes deep in the earth’s crust break down organic matter that settles to the seafloor, including dead fish, krill and bacteria.

19. 10. 15.

Game Recommendation bitcoincasino?

Howdy, everyone.

Nine people have been kidnapped by some entity called “Zero” and placed on board a sinking ship to play a game called the Nonary Game. They are given nine hours to escape before the ship sinks completely and they drown. To escape, these nine people must work together and explore the various numbered doors to solve the puzzles Zero has left for them, and ultimately make their escape through the number 9 door. You follow one of these people, Junpei, the guy in the chequered shirt at the foreground of the box art above, as the group strives to make it out alive.

Of course, a story is never going to proceed that smoothly. Tensions will rise, people will snap, and explode if they violate one of Zero’s rules, for Zero stuffed bombs into the players to raise the stakes.

Why were the nine kidnapped? Who exactly is Zero? What is Zero’s motive? As each of these questions (and many more) are answered in-game, one will realise that the story is much grander than it initially appears. What I cannot stress enough is how the details mentioned in this post is really the tip of the iceberg, plot covered in the first fifteen minutes of the game. There is still so much untold.

Don’t let the lack of sustained gameplay disinterest you, if you’re concerned. The story and the characters sell the game. 999’s cast is well developed, all of them believable and likable in their own way. No one is completely goody-goody, but no one is completely bad either. In fact, the morality questions the 코인카지노 game poses are food for thought.
That said, no need to worry about unplayable gameplay. Each of the puzzles can be solved with logic and common sense, without some… really lateral thinking needed by other games of the same escape-the-room genre. If you’re stuck, you probably didn’t find everything in the room.
In all, pick this up if you’re ready for your mind to be blown.


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Every game company that Tencent has invested in 우리카지노계열

Tencent is the world's largest games publisher. 

It's both an internet and entertainment giant in China—the equivalent of Facebook or Google—but gamers worldwide are probably more familiar with Tencent's investments into a growing number of game developers and publishers.
But with over 300 investments in its portfolio, staying on top of every company that Tencent has a stake in can be a little daunting.
That's why I've created this reference listing each of Tencent's public investments in foreign gaming companies (basically, companies outside of China), including, where possible, how much of that company Tencent owns. As part of our ongoing coverage of PC gaming in China, it's also important to understand the growing influence Chinese gaming companies like Tencent have on the global market.
Riot Games 우리카지노계열 - 100 percent
In 2011, Tencent went from being Riot Games' publishing partner in China to its majority stakeholder after paying $400 million for a 93 percent stake in the League of Legends developer. Four years later, Tencent scooped up the remaining 7 percent equity for an undisclosed amount, taking full control over Riot Games just as League of Legends was exploding as an esport around the world.
Tencent's purchase of Riot was nothing short of prescient—League of Legends is the most popular PC game in the world, pulling in an estimated $1.4 billion in revenue last year. Riot Games remains largely free to steer the game how it pleases, but that relationship has some ugly downsides. Wanting to cash in on the mobile gaming boom, Tencent tried to get Riot to make a mobile version of LoL.

When the developer refused, Tencent went ahead and made their own mobile clone of LoL called Arena of Valor that became one of the most profitable mobile games in Asia—and Riot wasn't very happy about it.

That is now mostly water under the bridge now that Tencent has abandoned Arena of Valor in the West and Riot is now making a mobile version of LoL.

Squabbles aside, Tencent's purchase of Riot has cemented it as the king of esports.

Streaming gaming will change the video game industry. Here's why wooricasino

Streaming has upended the movie and music industries. 

Now, it's spreading to the 우리카지노video game business.
Several video game publishers announced titles coming to Google's cloud system, Stadia, during last week's E3 conference, and Microsoft (MSFT) showed off its own Project xCloud in a demo.
The companies promise that very soon, through the cloud, it will be possible for many people around the world to play high-end video games on a tablet or phone without the need to lug around a console or PC. Once video games become easily accessible, companies are hoping it will attract new gamers, while making mobile games more sophisticated.
But the budding technology also prompts a lot of questions — like how many publishers are willing to jump onboard, whether internet connections are fast enough and which tech company will bring on the most adopters.

What is cloud gaming, and who are the big players?

Unlike traditional video game consoles, which do all of their computing on their own, most of streaming games' computing takes place on massive computers in faraway server farms. Players can sign up for a cloud service that allows them to stream and play the games directly on a phone, tablet or TV — although in most cases, an add-on controller is still needed.
Although graphics may be a bit blurrier depending on devices' screen resolution and internet connection, the gameplay will otherwise be the same as it would on a console.
If it takes off with consumers, cloud gaming could open up new markets for the industry. And several major tech companies are diving in.
One of the major players is Microsoft, which demonstrated its cloud gaming technology Project xCloud and made it available for the public to try during last week's E3 video game convention. Attached to Xbox One controllers, Android phones ran games like Gears 4, Forza Horizon 4 and Halo 5.
Microsoft has yet to release details, such as pricing and launch date. But it says Project xCloud has the capacity to play all 3,500 games in the Xbox catalog, and the additional 1,900 games still in development.
Google's Stadia is coming in November and will cost $129.99 for a Founder's Edition bundle which includes a Chromecast dongle, a Stadia controller and three months of a subscription service. That service costs $9.99 a month and includes "free games on a regular cadence," and it's the only way to access Stadia upon launch. An a la carte, free-to-play version of the system is coming next year, in which players can simply buy individual games.
Google (GOOGL) initially announced 31 Stadia titles and it recently added several dozen more, including titles from Ubisoft and a new Avengers game. Google Stadia will work on Chrome browsers and Pixel phones, and it can stream on TVs through Chromecast.

As the larger players in the space, Microsoft and Google have major advantages.

"There's only a handful of companies that we believe can do this globally," said Bill Stillwell, director of product planning for xCloud. Microsoft Azure services 140 countries worldwide, and that reach means people are less likely to experience lag in gameplay.

15+ Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games theninecasino

Are video games good or bad for you? It can be both.

Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Playing violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future.
“Video games change your brain,” according to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green. Playing video games change the brain’s physical structure the same way as do learning to read, playing the piano, or navigating using a map. Much like exercise can build muscle, the powerful combination of concentration and rewarding surges of neurotransmitters like dopamine strengthen neural circuits that can build the brain.
According to Marc Palaus, author of the study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, there is a broad consensus in the scientific community that playing video games not only changes how the brain performs, but also its structure.
Below are the good and bad effects of 더나인카지노video games – their benefits and disadvantages, according to researchers and child experts:
1.Problem solving and logic
2.Hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills
3.Planning, resource management and logistics
4.Multitasking, simultaneous tracking of many shifting variables and managing multiple objectives
5.Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions
7.Strategy and anticipation
8.Situational awareness
9.Developing reading and math skills
11.Pattern recognition
12.Estimating skills
13.Inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing

Academic achievement may be negatively related to over-all time spent playing video games. 

Studies have shown that the more time a kid spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. (Anderson & Dill, 2000; Gentile, Lynch & Walsh, 2004). A study by Argosy University’s Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Other studies show that many game players routinely skip their homework to play games, and many students admitted that their video game habits are often responsible for poor school grades.

Video game boosted brain activity, attention thekingcasino

The study — which was conducted by scientists from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu — found that participants who spent 1 hour playing the video game League of Legends experienced changes in brain activity.

The participants also demonstrated improved ability to focus on relevant information while screening out distractions.
The researchers recruited 29 male students to participate in the study. One group had at least 2 years of playing action video games and the other group had fewer than 6 months of experience playing these video games.
The group with the most experience, or the "experts," were ranked in the top 7 percent of League of Legends players. The "non-experts," meanwhile, were ranked in the bottom 11 percent.
The players' "visual selective attention" was assessed by the researchers before and after playing 더킹카지노.

Visual selective attention is how scientists refer to the brain's ability to focus while simultaneously disregarding less relevant information.

Focusing on relevant information in this way uses up brain power, so scientists tend to believe that people who are very good at focusing their attention while filtering out distractions show a very efficient use of their brains.
The study authors measured visual selective attention with a test involving squares that flashed on different parts of a computer screen.
First, participants were briefly shown a square in the center of the screen, which was followed by a square flashing elsewhere on the screen. The participants had to then tell the scientists where on the screen the second square was, relative to the first square.
Some previous studies have also found that action video games such as Halo and Call of Duty may improve visual attention.
A 2010 review of the available research, for example, suggested that playing video games may be beneficial for improving focus in military training and education.
As Bjorn Hubert-Wallander, the lead author of that review, explained, "Visual attention is crucial to preventing sensory overload, since the brain is constantly faced with an overwhelming amount of visual information."
"It's an ability," he said, "that is especially emphasized during visually demanding activities such as driving a car or searching for a friend's face in a crowd, so it is not surprising that scientists have long been interested in ways to modify, extend, and enhance the different facets of visual attention."